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A mini 3D Christmas Tree, this comes in two pieces that easily slot together. Cut from sturdy 2250 micron greyboard.…
Cut from a lighter weight board that is just over 1mm thick. This pack is consisting of 10 pieces. Each…
Cut from a lighter weight board that is just over 1mm thick. This pack is the Tando Mini Snowmen set…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
Decorative Chips ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
Decorative Chips ongeveer 14x14cm…
Decorative Chips ongeveer 14x14cm…
Decorative Chips ongeveer 14x14cm…
Decorative Chips ongeveer 14x14cm…
ongeveer 14x14cm…
Je verlanglijst is leeg.