ongeveer 61 die-cut chipboard pieces…
Collection pack includes a total of 28 doublesided papers (3 each of 9 designs) plus 1 fussy-cut element paper. Front…
6 sheets ongeveer 15x20cm. Assorted Shapes and Sizes.…
ongeveer 18 labels met metalen eyelets en touwtjes…
ongeveer 57 die-cut chipboard pieces…
8 vel dubbelzijdig papier 30,5x30,5cm plus an exclusive fussy-cut sheet of elements on the backside of the cover that is…
Collection pack includes a total of 28 doublesided papers (3 each of 9 designs) plus 1 fussy-cut element paper. Front…
8 vel dubbelzijdig papier 30,5x30,5cm plus an exclusive 12x12 pattern on the backside…
ongeveer 89 diecut pieces, on 4 sheets of 6x12.5inch heavyweight cardstock. Use craft knife or carefully remove with fingers.…
ongeveer 49 diecut pieces, on 4 sheets of 6x12.5inch heavyweight cardstock. Use craft knife or carefully remove with fingers.…
6 sheets ongeveer 15x20cm. Assorted Shapes and Sizes.…
One roll of diecut washi stickers. Each roll has a repeat of approximately 13inches long, 25 images repeated for a…
153 epoxy stickers, sheet ongeveer 10x15cm…
ongeveer 61 die-cut chipboard pieces…
Collection pack includes a total of 28 doublesided papers (3 each of 9 designs) plus 1 fussy-cut element paper. Front…
ongeveer 79 diecut pieces, on 4 sheets of 6x12.5inch heavyweight cardstock. Use craft knife or carefully remove with fingers.…
1 sheet of high quality rub-on transfer 30,5x30,5cm…
120 epoxy stickers, sheet ongeveer 10x15cm…
Collection pack includes a total of 28 doublesided papers (3 each of 9 designs) plus 1 fussy-cut element paper. Front…
8 vel dubbelzijdig papier 30,5x30,5cm, 2 van elk design…
Includes 3 rolls of decorative washi tape (widths included are 1.75inch, 0.75inch and 0.25inch). Each roll measures 10 meters long…
ongeveer 97 diecut pieces, on 4 sheets of 6x12.5inch heavyweight cardstock. Use craft knife or carefully remove with fingers.…
ongeveer 110 mix and match diecut pieces…
One roll of diecut washi stickers. Each roll has a repeat of approximately 13inches long, 28 images repeated for a…
Includes 3 rolls of decorative washi tape (widths included are 1.75inch, 0.75inch and 0.25inch). Each roll measures 10 meters long…
sheet is ongeveer 10x14,5cm…
sheet is ongeveer 10x15cm…
sheet is ongeveer 7x10cm…
set includes 40 different 6x8inch text weight papers in a reusable plastic envelope. These papers are perfect are perfect for…
Each box contains a total of 3 rolls in coordinating shades, 5 meters each roll. One roll is perforated stamps…
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