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7inch Extra large Kushgrip handles. With a Non-stick coating to minimize adhesive build up, a micro-serrated cutting edge and Kushgrip handles for comfort. Included is a plastic cap for safe storage, which also helps to ensure the quality and sharpness of the scissors. Tonics non-stick scissors have one serrated blade and one sharp blade for excellent cutting on all types of material, including sheet rubber, vinyl and adhesive backed papers. Kushgrip is a soft, tactile, rubber like material which we over mold onto our products to provide a comfortable, non-slip grip. The material has been designed to enable hours of effortless cutting. Including protective plastic cap.

4 In voorraad

Een heel fijn, scherp schaartje. De ruimtes voor je vingers zijn behoorlijk groot, ik pas er met vier vingers in. ...

Rated by Tonia Koblens

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